Web application where the user can manage expenses to individual categories, then assign expenditure to one of those categories and display all transactions. Live demo here.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Lessons Learned
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Project Status
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- This project was over one week where I built this app to consolidate and expand on everything I had learnt
- MVC Design
- CRUD Functionality
- RESTful routes
- Filter transactions by category and merchant name
- Ruby - version 2.6.0
- Sinatra - version 2.1.0
- PostgreSQL - version 13.2
- Bootstrap - version 3.4.1
- Object oriented programming with Ruby
- Web Programming ( Sinatra, REST, MVC )
- Interacting with PostgreSQL database ( CRUD )
- Working under short time constraints and dealing with unknowns
- The app should allow the user to create and edit merchants, e.g. Tesco, Amazon, ScotRail
- The app should allow the user to create and edit tags for their spending, e.g. groceries, entertainment, transport
- The user should be able to assign tags and merchants to a transaction, as well as an amount spent on each transaction.
- The app should display all the transactions a user has made in a single view, with each transaction's amount, merchant and tag, and a total for all transactions.
Install required modules, create and seed database (You must have Ruby, Sinatra, and PSQL installed).
bundle install
createdb spending_tracker
psql -d spending_tracker -f db/spending_tracker.sql
ruby db/seeds.rb
ruby app.rb
Host the app locally using Sinatra, defaults to port http://localhost:4567/
Project is: complete
- This project inspired by monzo and Money Dashboard
Created by drewpeattie@hotmail.com - feel free to contact me!