Normal Vector Encoder/Decoder
Encoding float3 normal vectors to uint16 by using optimized spherical coords together with alias method, with a bounded error less than 0.562432 degree.
Both encoding and decoding are very fast. Encoding do use a search process to map jagged array entry to a linearized index, but the searching is short and cache friendly. (5 steps at most, <2 steps in average). Decoding don't do any searching at all.
Encoder need a 3172-bytes look up table, while decoder only needs 1362 bytes. (can be further reduced to 1/2 if exploit symmetries)
The code is not carefully optimized.
Normal Encoding ref: J. Smith, G. Petrova, S. Schaefe, Encoding Normal Vectors using Optimized Spherical Coordinates.
Alias Method ref: Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.4.1, ex. 7.