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Releases: audit4j/audit4j-core

2.5.0 Release

30 Nov 10:41
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Audit4j Core 2.5.0 Release

Change Log:

Issues Fixed:

  1. Fixing Travis build break for Oracle JDK 7.
  2. Fixing date format issue in Simple Layout
  3. Fixing output file path in ZeroCopyFileWriter

Features Added:

  1. Object to JSON Serializer
  2. Pluggable serializer support

2.4.1 Release

02 Mar 15:49
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Audit4j Core 2.4.1 Release

Change Log:

Issues Fixed:

  1. Resolve servlet spec file path.
  2. Object serializer null pointer exception.

Features Added:

  1. Ignore Audit Annotation for parameters and object fields.
  2. De Identify annotation for object fields
  3. Pluggable serializers including ObjectToStringSerializer and ObjectsToFieldsSerializer,
  4. Core performance improvement.

Along with this release following extensions are released.

  1. Audit4j DB extention
  2. Audit4j Spring integration

2.4.1-RC1 Pre Release

22 Feb 05:17
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2.4.1-RC1 Pre Release Pre-release

To test this RC please add following dependency to your pom.


2.4.0 Release

01 Nov 16:29
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Audit4j Core 2.4.0 Release

Change Log:

Issues Fixed:

  1. Conflict between servlet3 and spring config.
  2. Metadata lookup is not working in async mode for spring security.

Features Added:

  1. JMX monitoring and management support.
  2. Separated audit trails eg: multiple db tables based on the events.
  3. XML Configuration support.
  4. Externalized configurations.
  5. Customized Layout
  6. Origin metadata interface

2.3.1 release

15 Mar 04:05
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Audit4j Core 2.3.1 Release

Change Log:

Issues Fixed:

  1. Config file path invalid validation.

Features Added:

  1. External configuration file path support
  2. HTTP WEB-INF config filepath support.
  3. Servlet Context listener for configurations and init/stop context.
  4. Servlet 3 Context listener configuration support.

2.3.0 release

23 Feb 13:59
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Audit4j Core 2.3.0 Release

Change Log:

Issues Fixed:

  1. Fixed Issue: Remove mandetory meta data validation.
  2. Fixed issue: filters are not loaded to configuration context.
  3. Fixed issue: @IgnoreAudit annotation processor getting an exception.

Features Added:

  1. Additional option (performance/security) api.
  2. Classpath scanning processor for annotations and avoid unwanted annotation process.
  3. ScanAnnotated command and option.
  4. Date time formatter api.
  5. Use reflections to get parameters of an Object - Implement toString.
  6. Prompt initialization time in mills.
  7. Added error guide urls for missing error prone codes.


  1. Refactor singletons.
  2. Registry for preLoaded components/ Initial Configurations.
  3. Unit tests for missing core components.
  4. Added running time for unit tests/Integration tests.
  5. Integration tests for filters.
  6. Integration tests for commands.

2.2.0 Release

14 Jan 07:08
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Added package info classes

2.0.1 Release

26 Aug 05:32
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changed pom version

2.0.0 Release

25 Aug 10:56
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Release 2.0.0

1.0.2 Release

24 Jul 05:54
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Release for 1.0.2