BackyardBan is a very basic BungeeCord plugin which allows Minecraft server moderators to ban players and ip addresses from the entire bungee network with optional expiration time as well as custom message.
- A bypass permission node is available to exempt players from beeing banned.
- A ban command is available to ban a player from the entire bungee network with an optional custom message and expiration time.
- A banip command is available to ban IP address from the entire bungee network (taking both playername or direct IP address as argument), with a custom message and expiration time.
- An unban command is available to unban both IP address and playername. The pardon command is an alias of unban.
- A reload command is available to reload configuration and localization data.
- A version command is available to show plugin version and informations.
- A help command is available to show the help page, containing command list.
- Initial localization strings (English and French) are available, to customize ban messages.
- Allows to use the /ban
and /backyardban:ban
- Allows to use the /banip
and /backyardban:banip
- Allows to use the /unban
, /pardon
and /backyardban:unban
- Allows player to be insensitive to /ban
or /banip
- Allows player to reload config files using /backyardban:reload
/ban [playername] {t:(1h|1d|1m|1y)} (reason)
- Ban player with a message.
/banip [ip|playername] {t:(1h|1d|1m|1y)} (reason)
- Ban IP with a message.
/unban [ip|playername]
- Unban IP or player.
- Show the help page.
- Reload the configuration files.
- Show plugin version.
/ban IndividuLambda
- Bans player IndividuLambda
forever with no reason.
/ban IndividuLambda Get out!
- Bans the player with the reason "Get out!".
/ban IndividuLambda t:7d Get out!
- Bans the player for 1 week.
/banip IndividuLambda t:7m Get all out!
- Bans the IP address for 1 month.
- Bans this IP address forever with no reason.
/unban IndividuLambda
- Unbans the player IndividuLambda
as well as his IP address.
- Unbans specific IP address.
Feel free to give me feedback using the Issues tab !
Augustin Blanchet