NLW-Copa is a project that consists in build a web and mobile application to simulate betting in games of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™, using the most demanded technologies with an updated approach and also using clean code techniques.
This project was developed on 10th NLW edition (Next Level Week). The training was given by the Rocketseat team and was guided by the instructors Diego Fernandes e Rodrigo Gonçalves on Trilha Ignite.
- React
- React Native
- Typescript
- Native Base
- Fastify
- Prisma
- Tailwind
- Zod
- Expo
- Expo Go
- Axios
- OAuth2 (Google Authentication)
- Async Storage
- Use yarn or npm to install the project dependences.
- Start the server and web:
npm run dev
- Start the mobile:
npx expo start
You can view the project layout made by Rocketseat through this link this link. You must have a Figma account to view this prototype.