<Towards Photo Watercolorization with Artistic Verisimilitude>
To run this program,you need to install:
* VS 2013+ (Do not use VS 2015 if possible for some strange things may happen)
* OpenCV 2.4.11+
$ WaterColor water
$ water.deal(inputImg,outputImg)
There are 5 steps processed by WaterColor:
5.HandTremorEffect( still some bugs,maybe repair in the future)
6.EdgeDarkening(same as 6)
7.Granulation(same as 6)
8.TurblenceFlow(same as 6)
9.After deal(same as 6)
program examples locate in waterColor/process/pic/*src|dst.jpg|png
referenced paper examples locate in /example from paper
@Tianlong Yang (yangtianlong@gmail.com) In 2016.3.14
here are an exaple exe in waterColor/waterColor/exampleExe/ you can use command
waterColor.exe input.jpg output.jpg
to run this project. There are still some bugs for this projrct,so the effect and speed is not saitisfied.