๐ {automationhacks.io}
- I'm a Software Engineer with a strong passion for Test and Automation engineering and am a polyglot programmer who loves to code in Kotlin, Python, and Java
- I like to build scalable test automation frameworks and utilities to solve testing and automation problems.
- I believe in understanding and testing all the layers of the stack and have worked with Web, Mobile, and Backend systems throughout my career across different domains.
- AWS, Jenkins, Backend automation and Infrastructure
- Design patterns and Refactoring techniques
- Developing API using Flask, connexion and SQLAlchemy
๐ I write at ...
- I also blog quite frequently about Software Engineering, Testing and Test automation at automationhacks.io and my substack newsletter newsletter.automationhacks.io and have spoken at conferences like AppiumConf, Automation Guild, and Selenium Conf to share my knowledge, as well as learn from others, there is also a budding YouTube channel @automationhacks that I hope to contribute more content to
๐จ๐ปโ๐ซ Some course's that I've created ...
I've created 2 courses on Test automation university which is a public and open platform for people to learn about test automation.
- Automated Visual Testing with Python that explains visual testing using Applitools python Sdk
- API Testing in Python that takes you through how to build an API test automation framework in Python
- (2019) How To Kill Test Flake In Appium by Gaurav Singh at AppiumConf 2019
- (2020) Contract Testing: Beyond Functional API Tests at Automation Guild 2020
- (2020) How to build an automation framework with selenium : patterns and practices
- (2021) Hello Appium! Setting up your First Appium Tests efficiently
- (2022) Hello Espresso! Start with Android gray box automation
- (2022) Kotlin for Test automation
You can find the exhaustive list here
- If you like the content I am putting out for the community and want to encourage me to make more, Consider becoming a member at patreon/automationhacks or subscribing to my