Simple file storage API: manages metadata, serves files.
$ nix-build
$ NODE_NUM=0 DB_PATH=/path/to/metadata/database/dir BIND_V4= BIND_PORT=15464 ./result/bin/fsmetad
Importing new file:
$ curl -X POST '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "some name", "path": "/full/path/to/existing/file/on/disk", "ctype": "text/plain", "tags": []}'
Downloading file:
$ curl '' -o file
Tagging a file:
$ curl -X POST '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"tags": ["asd", "qwe", "zxc"]}'
Selecting last 20 files tagged with asd
$ curl ''
Selecting 20 files older than 18ae980400000000d8e8eb5c000000000000
tagged with asd
$ curl ''
Removing asd
tag from 18ae980400000000d8e8eb5c000000000000
$ curl -X POST ''
Getting file info:
$ curl ''
{"ctype":"text/plain","id":"18ae980400000000d8e8eb5c000000000000","name":"some name","size":1040,"tags":["qwe", "zxc"]}
Removing file (also removes file from disk!):
$ curl -X POST ''