func_nats is a asterisk module. It's purpose is to create NATS consumer from the dialplan.
- nats.c -
- Install the dependencies
- Move file func_nats.c to Astrisk source addons/ directory
- Update addons/Makefile and add func_nats to the list of modules assigned to the ALL_C_MODS variable
- Update addons/Makefile and add line: LIBS+=-lnats -I/usr/local/include
- Configure asterisk with LDFLAGS option: ./configure LDFLAGS=-lnats
- Make & make menuselect & make install asterisk
- Move file func_nats.conf.sample to /etc/asterisk/func_nats.conf and update settings
same => n,NoOp(NATS_PUBLISH(testsubject,key1=val1,key2=val2))