The WOUnit framework contains a set of utilities for testing WebObjects applications using JUnit 4.7 or later capabilities. This library can be useful if you write unit/integration tests for Enterprise Objects or employ the TDD technique on your projects.
Version: 1.1
- JUnit 4.7 or later
- Project Wonder 5
- WebObjects 5
- No Database Access Needed: all the logic is handled in memory for fast unit testing and integration testing.
- Wonderful: developed on top of Wonder classes, make possible the use of the augmented transaction process specified by the ERXEnterpriseObject interface.
- Easy to use: no extension required for test classes. The WOUnit library makes use of generics, annotations and the rule approach provided by JUnit 4.7.
- Simple but not simpler: only one line of code and you are ready to start writing tests. The rules are responsible for loading eomodels, initializing and cleaning up before/after test executions.
Maven users have to add the dependency declaration:
Non Maven users have to:
- Download the wounit.jar.
- Add the wounit library to the build path.
import static com.wounit.matchers.EOAssert.*;
import com.wounit.rules.MockEditingContext;
import com.wounit.annotations.Dummy;
import com.wounit.annotations.UnderTest;
public class MyEntityTest {
public MockEditingContext ec = new MockEditingContext("MyModel");
private Bar dummyBar;
private Foo foo;
public void cantSaveFooWithOnlyOneBar() {
confirm(foo, cannotBeSavedBecause("Foo must have at least 2 bars related to it"));
import static com.wounit.matchers.EOAssert.*;
import com.wounit.rules.TemporaryEditingContext;
import com.wounit.annotations.UnderTest;
public class MyEntityTest {
public TemporaryEditingContext ec = new TemporaryEditingContext("MyModel");
private Foo foo;
public void cannotSaveFooIfBarIsNull() {
confirm(foo, cannotBeSavedBecause("The bar property cannot be null"));
This project is an evolution of the original WOUnitTest 2 framework and is heavily inspired by it.
- Site:
- E-mail: hprange at
- Twitter: @hprange