This repository contains the implementation of our ECCV 2024 paper Improving Adversarial Transferability via Model Alignment (paper).
Goal: Model alignment transforms any source model into one from which attacks generate more transferable perturbations.
How? The parameters of the source model are fine-tuned to minimize an alignment loss which measures the divergence in predictions between the source model and another, independently traine model, referred to as the witness model.
To run the code, the following packages are needed:
- python 3.9.15
- pytorch 2.0.1
- torchvision 0.15.2
- numpy 1.22.4
- torchattacks 3.4.0
- timm 1.0.3
For reproducibility and to facilitate future research on model alignment, we provide checkpoints for several models, including ResNet18, ResNet50, ViT-T/16, and ViT-B/16. Each model is initialized and trained with different seeds, resulting in a total of 9 unique, unaligned (vanilla) model checkpoints. One possible scenario for using these checkpoints is to align ResNet50(seed0) using ResNet50(seed1) and evaluate transferability using ResNet50(seed2).
We also provide checkpoints for two aligned models:
: ResNet50 aligned with ResNet18 using --batchsize 128 --lr 0.001
: ViT-B/16 aligned with ViT-T/16 using --batchsize 512 --lr 0.1 --clip_grad_norm 1.0
Both models were aligned for 1 epoch using 2 GPUs. You can access all the model checkpoints here.
: Implementation of model alignment.src/utils*
: Utility scripts.options/default.yaml
: Default hyper-parameters.
Aligning Res50 using Res18 and evaluating transferability on VGG19 as the target model (single GPU):
python3 --output_dir <path to output files> --data_dir <path to the imagenet folder> \
--source_arch res50 --source_dir <path to the source model> \
--witness_arch res18 --witness_dir <path to the witness model> \
--target_arch vgg19_bn --target_dir <path to the target model> \
--lr 0.001 --save_modified_model 1 --eval_standard 0 --eval_whitebox 0 --eval_transfer 1
Aligning ViT-B/16 using ViT-T/16 and evaluating transferability on SWIN as the target model (multiple GPU):
python3 --output_dir <path to output files> --data_dir <path to the imagenet folder> \
--source_arch vit_b_16 --source_dir <path to the source model> \
--witness_arch vit_t_16 --witness_dir <path to the witness model> \
--target_arch swin_s --target_dir <path to the target model> \
--lr 0.1 --clip_grad_norm 1.0 --save_modified_model 1 --eval_standard 0 --eval_whitebox 0 --eval_transfer 1 \
--dist-url "tcp://" --dist-backend 'nccl' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0
python3 --output_dir <path to output files> --data_dir <path to the imagenet folder> \
--eval_arch <source model architecture> --eval_dir <path to the source model> \
--target_arch <target model architecture> --target_dir <path to the target model> \
--eval_standard 0 --eval_whitebox 0 --eval_transfer 1 --atk pgd --pgd_eps 4./255. --pgd_alpha 1./255. --pgd_itr 20
Please see src/
for a complete breakdown and default values of all input arguments.
- Description: Directory to save model checkpoints and logs.
- Example Usage:
--output_dir ./results
- Description: Path to the ImageNet folder.
- Example Usage:
--data_dir ./dataset/imagenet
- Description: Specifies the model architectures.
- Example Usage:
--source_arch resnet50
- Note: Specifying
enters evaluation-only mode and ignoressource_arch
- Description: Paths to the model checkpoints.
- Example Usage:
--source_dir ./ckpt/
- Description: Evaluate transferabilty, standard accuracy, and accuracy under the whitebox attack setting.
- Example Usage:
--eval_transfer 1
,--eval_whitebox 0
- Choices:
- Description: Specifies the attack algorithm
- Choices:
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