The idea:
Keep count of table tennis points with wireless 433 Mhz buttons connected to a microcontroller, which passes the points to a MQTT broker via WiFi. Show the points in real time in a browser window.
Feature ideas:
- undoing points
- multiple game modes (like 2/5 serves per player, 11/21 points to win etc.)
- led indicator to indicate wifi+mqtt connection
- game duration timer
- integrating to the original wunderpong app
- starting game with the face recognition webcam (to get the names of the players)
- saving games to the score board
To start the MQTT broker for local development, run:
docker run -it -p 1883:1883 -v mosquitto:/mosquitto/config eclipse-mosquitto
Configuration file for Mosquitto is located at ./mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
Where to buy:
Drivers for ESP-32: