All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project tries to adhere to Semantic Versioning.
Most files will have their own version number, project release numbers are more of a suggestion than anything else...
- refactor variables for uniformity
- c_ colors
- ec_ error codes
- f_ file names
- t_ terminal request/setting strings (including appropriate escaping)
- tc_ terminal color strings (including appropriate escaping)
- s_ single character symbols
- v_ version string
- IS_ Flag to describe an environment (i.e., IS_BASH)
- ISSET_ Flag to confirm a library has been loaded
- PROG_ Holds which program to use for a service (i.d., PROG_BECOME='sudo')
- re-work colors to enable themeing
- implement said themeing
- optimize calling of variables/functions to take advantage of login vs subshells
- optimize functions for bash and zsh
- standardize prompt building accross shells
- prompt should take queue from vim statusline
- audit all variables to ensure there is no code in them per BashFAQ 050 unless there's a gosh-darned-good reason for it.
- Download several tools and push to home directoy (ack2, dircolors-solarized, dstat, inxi, iotop, ps_mem, screenfetch)
- many roles now depend on common to create base directories
- login now runs inxi
- No longer installing system-level things unless really necessary
- inxi no longer its own role, installation moved to toolbelt, config file moved to misc
- VIM complained about colorscheme not existing
- project has been transformed into an Ansible project (this is huge)
- ssh-keycheck will test ssh key strength upon login
- Bash & Zsh now have a dynamic 'dashboard' for prompts
- tmux/vim/inxi/ssh/xonsh/CodeClimate config files added
- loginspeedtest script to test speed of profiles upon login
- variables to hold default editor/vcs version, and display in greeting
- list of window roles & types which should float in i3
- minorly decorated PS2 for zsh/bash/posix
- precmd for zsh to display user@host:pwd in terminal tital bar
- project is now Apache 2.0 licensed
- project has been radically re-organized to fit the Ansible workflow
- overall project version changed to datestamp versioning
- alias 'ssu' now requires a user name, use 'ssr' for sudo to root
- testusers:
- added meta info variables
- output improved
- now tests for too few/too many arguments
- inputrc overhauled, considered released
- small tweak to the way branch name in git is found
- reduced prompt call outs to git down to 1, and only if needed
- all '.gitdir' have been chenged to '.keepdir'
- many tweaks to ouput strings/formats
- removed all subtrees, will simply reference them in a doc
-'type ' was not working as expected in zshrc, this has been replaced with 'whence -w '. Also, check for existance of command before doing a compdef
- git prompt status fully functional in Bash
- TIMEFORMAT was messed up
- git-flow cheatsheet for SublimeText "Cheatsheet" plugin
- a bunch of new (hopefully useful) aliases
- extract() to act as single entry point for several unarchivers
- mans() to search a term in a manpage
- tweaks/additions to ps related aliases
- for exported functins, use a command -v instead of letting posix fail
- removed unneeded call to ls in for loops for bashrc/zshrc
- splitvar() is gone, too fragile see sysinfo protion of shellinit for replacement
- rolled back changes in git package which somehow found their way into the wrong place (i.e., master and develop branches)
- splitvar() declared a local variable (not supported in some shells)
- whereis alias should be set if whereis doesn't exist, and the -all flag is not supported by some shells, so -a only
- time output formating for bash/zsh
- auto-time and login/logout reporting for zsh
- lib/aliases file [considered released]
- platform/Linux file [considered released]
- package/yum file
- install_ack -- installs single-file version of ack (as opposed to repo package)
- function psz (ps grep for zombies -- used to be an alias)
- function mymemuse (report current users memory use)
- s_(shellname) vars for prompts, etc
- git package done for prompts [considered released]
- install_SublimeText renamed and overhauled
- all VCS_ symbol vars have been renamed to s_
- overhauled .gitconfig, including adding aliases
- bash/zsh use $OSTYPE for vanilla prompt instead of calling out to uname
- now calling _git_prompt from bash -- however, this feature is not working 100%
- .profile.d/alias.general
- .profile.d/profile.Linux
- dusort alias had some issues w/directories which didn't match both globs
- no longer blanket exporting all functions in Bash, instead these are explicitly exported when declared via 'declare -fx'. POSIX shells will complain, but those complaints are sent to /dev/null and will be dealt with there...
- real .zlogin/.zlogout
- .zshenv, .zprofile (which is read before .zshrc, .zlogin is read after)
- all zsh profile files [considered released]
- bring .zshrc in-line with previous work
- all zsh profile files moved into .zshrc.d except .zshenv, which tells zsh where to go
- fixed loading BASHD ancillary scripts
- put bash login stuff in the bash_login file
- a real .bash_profile [considered released]
- .bash_logout [considered released]
- .profilerc (split out pertinent parts from .profile)
- .shell.d/lib/exitcodes (set vars for common codes) [considered released]
- testenv/testusers (creates/removes groups of test users) [considered released]
- .bashrc exports functions for subshells [considered released]
- more ISSET_ variables
- many minor functions/variables/settings moved to more sensible locations
- all .profile.d/[alias|profile].* files
- removed (mis-)use of SHELL
- no longer trying to second-guess system profiles (for PATH, etc)
- .profile is now considered 'released' and is at v3.0.0
- the .shell.d tree is now considered 'released' and is at v1.0.0
- other bash/zsh files are considered 'alpha'
- all other depends/, src/ and tools/ files are not considered for this release