All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog. Individual files in this project try to adhere to Semantic Versioning, however the project itself uses date versioning.
- Document the things
- Script templates will now output Sphinx/reST-style usage.
- newfile will now output Sphinx/reST-style usage.
- Create .pylink directory w/symlinks to Python scripts using '.py' extension. This is needed so Sphinx sees them as Python modules and works its magic.
- Worked out a documentation process using Sphinx/reStructuredText.
- Options for newfile (--template-dir & --config-file) have been shortened for better useability (--templates & --config), as well as given short options (-T & -c).
- templates: python-script, shell-script, jinja2-test
- script: newfile (creates new file from templates)