This is the code used for Serverless WooCommerce Workshop. Please find the detailed workshop guide here.
To build and deploy this stack, please have the following tools installed.
- docker
- node.js
- aws cli
- aws cdk
- gnu make
You also need a DNS domain hosted on Route53.
This stack use .env file to provide configuration values.
Copy cdk/.env.example to cdk/.env and update the values to fit your needs.
Then install CDK dependencies
cd cdk
npm install
Preview the changes
make diff
Deploy the stack
make deploy
When the deployment is done, open WP_HOME to complete the normal WordPress setup process.
In this demo, WordPress code, plugins and themes are packaged in Lambda and are read-only. And we use Bedrock to manage WordPress plugins and themes. Check out Bedrock documents on how to install/update wordpress plugins and themes.
Run the following command to delete ALL the resources deployed for this workshop, including the database, efs file system, redis cluster and s3 bucket.
make destroy
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.