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@aws-cdk-automation aws-cdk-automation released this 01 Apr 15:30


  • globalaccelerator: automatic naming algorithm has been changed: if you have existing Accelerators you will need to pass an
    explicit name to prevent them from being replaced. All endpoints are now added by calling addEndpoint() with a
    target-specific class that can be found in @aws-cdk/aws-globalaccelerator-endpoints. The generated Security Group
    is now looked up by calling endpointGroup.connectionsPeer().
  • docdb: DatabaseClusterProps.instanceProps was hoisted and all its properties are now available one level up directly in DatabaseClusterProps.
  • docdb: DatabaseInstanceProps.instanceClass renamed to DatabaseInstanceProps.instanceType.
  • core: The type of the image property in BundlingOptions
    is changed from BundlingDockerImage to DockerImage.
  • core: The return type of the DockerImage.fromBuild() API is
    changed from BundlingDockerImage to DockerImage.


Bug Fixes

  • aws-ecs: broken splunk-logging tag-option in fargate platform version 1.4 (#13882) (e9d9299), closes #13881
  • cloudfront: auto-generated cache policy name might conflict cross-region (#13737) (4f067cb), closes #13629
  • cloudfront: Origin Request Policy headers enforce soft limit of 10 (#13907) (9b0a6cf), closes #13410 #13903
  • codebuild: allow passing the ARN of the Secret in environment variables (#13706) (6f6e079), closes #12703
  • codebuild: take the account & region of an imported Project from its ARN (#13708) (fb65123), closes #13694
  • codedeploy: script installing CodeDeploy agent fails (#13758) (25e8d04), closes #13755
  • cognito: imported userpool not retaining environment from arn (#13715) (aa9fd9c), closes #13691
  • core: BundlingDockerImage.fromAsset() does not return a BundlingDockerImage (#13846) (7176a5d)
  • dynamodb: table with replicas fails to deploy with "Unresolved resource dependencies" error (#13889) (5c99d0d)
  • iam: Role import doesn't fail when forgetting the region in the ARN (#13821) (560a853), closes #13812
  • rds: fail with a descriptive error if Cluster's instance count is a deploy-time value (#13765) (dd22e8f), closes #13558
  • yaml-cfn: do not deserialize year-month-date as strings (#13745) (ffea818), closes #13709