apigateway: L2 construct for Sagemaker Integration (#25459 ) (53d61bb )
appsync: merged APIs (#26895 ) (fe930a5 ), closes #25960
cloudfront: Add RealtimeLogConfig to Distribution (#26808 ) (b1f4e27 )
ec2: add c7gn instance type (#26905 ) (8cc9ecb ), closes #23147
ec2: contributor insight rules for vpc endpoint service (#25965 ) (c6a96f0 )
lambda: L2 constructs for SnapStart (#26761 ) (356f302 ), closes #23153 /
rds: add support for postgresql 11.21, 12.16, 13.12, 14.9, 15.4 and deprecate versions out-of-support (#26906 ) (4b0c378 )
rds: support certificate autority certificate (#26883 ) (4fd510e ), closes #26865
s3-deployment: specify lambda execution role in DeployTimeSubstitutedFile (#26896 ) (6c2143c ), closes #26879
stepfunctions-tasks: algorithmName
validation for SageMakerCreateTrainingJob
(#26877 ) (1cead3b ), closes #26675
update AWS Service Spec (#26911 ) (d345335 )
stepfunctions-tasks: FastFile mode for SageMaker Training Job (#26675 ) (5fef403 ), closes / #26653
Bug Fixes
aws-cdk-lib: ADOT Lambda Layer constants update - v0.32.0 (#26801 ) (ad9d764 ), closes #26793
cli: asset not uploaded with different synthesizer configs (#26910 ) (b06a38f ), closes #25927
cli: ecs hotswap fails on log configuration enabled (#26876 ) (6cffca0 ), closes #26871
core: add RetainExceptOnCreate to ParseDeletionPolicy method (#26880 ) (702d9d5 ), closes / #26863
core: support cache-from and cache-to flags in DockerImage (#26337 ) (d152d61 ), closes #24024 #24024 #25925
core: undeprecate addWarning
(#26943 ) (4ce64fe ), closes #26914
custom-resources: cross-environment call fails in opt-in region (#26917 ) (3701aa7 ), closes #26562
ec2: networkAclName property for NetworkAcl does not work (#26898 ) (7f31da8 ), closes #26371 #26897
elasticloadbalancingv2: remove equality check for health threshold counts (#26949 ) (c8b8f1c ), closes #26941
lambda: GO_1_X runtime will be EOL soon, deprecate in favor of PROVIDED_AL2 runtime (#26899 ) (37c59a4 )
lambda: NodeJS14 runtime will be EOL soon, deprecate in favor of newer runtimes (#26903 ) (31ff125 )
lambda: PROVIDED runtime will be EOL soon, deprecate in favor of PROVIDED_AL2 (#26904 ) (fded078 )
lambda: update default runtimes and tests to node 16 everywhere (#26921 ) (bdce16c )
logs: LogRetention resources fail with rate exceeded errors (#26858 ) (b60e6ef ), closes #26837 #26837
route53: IHostedZone cannot be used for ses.Identity.publicHostedZone anymore (#26888 ) (b5bd39e ), closes #26872
secrets-manager: SecretRotationApplication creates lambda on python 3.7 which is EOL (#26884 ) (2d9d8d6 ), closes #26866
servicecatalog: only one ProductStack per Portfolio can use assets (#26885 ) (9cb395c ), closes #25189
sqs: encryptionType is incorrect when encryptionMasterKey is provided (#26886 ) (bf441fa ), closes #26719
Alpha modules (2.94.0-alpha.0)
You can’t perform that action at this time.