- There are some changes required within CAPI and CAPD for the provisioning of external etcd clusters to work. Checkout this fork+branch locally:
- Modify cluster-api/tilt-settings.json to add this provider:
"default_registry": "",
"provider_repos": ["../../mrajashree/etcdadm-bootstrap-provider"],
"enable_providers": ["core","docker", "kubeadm-bootstrap", "kubeadm-control-plane", "etcdadm-bootstrap"],
"kustomize_substitutions": {
"ETCDADM_BOOTSTRAP_IMAGE": "mrajashree/etcdadm-bootstrap-provider:latest"
- This provider has a tilt-provider.json that will be used by CAPI
- Create a Kind cluster, and run tilt up
- There are some security group changes required for CAPA, I made them based off of the PR that adds v1alpha4 to CAPA. Checkout the changes locally from this fork+branch:
- Modify cluster-api/tilt-settings.json to add this provider:
"default_registry": "",
"provider_repos": ["../cluster-api-provider-aws"],
"enable_providers": ["core","docker", "aws", "kubeadm-bootstrap", "kubeadm-control-plane", "etcdadm-bootstrap"],
"kustomize_substitutions": {
"ETCDADM_BOOTSTRAP_IMAGE": "mrajashree/etcdadm-bootstrap-provider:latest"
- Create a Kind cluster, and run tilt up