- create interface over scenic conn and govee device
- Currently I'm working around this by relying on the name
- Maybe Govee get_conns should return a Conn (translated from a device?)
- i.e. Conn can be the translation layer so that govee_phx doesn't need to know about a raw device
- Clean up "GoveePhx.ScenicThing"
- General code cleanup
- See where a driver is being started
- And then pass the default scene another way so we can listen to the correct topic for each scenic conn
- Get multiple govee scenic windows to work at the same time
- Provide a cleaner way to get a named govee scenic conn
- Probably involves passing in an identifier in instead of loading from config at init time
- Track and display connection status per device
- How should this be communicated? Phoenix PubSub?
- Should govee scenic pubsub be configurable? Right now it's hard-coded
- Remove raw's
- Sync brightness?
- Need to handle either adding dynamic or static devices (i.e. for BLE devices they will probably be mostly configured)
- Test with an actual device
A simple Phoenix LiveView interface to a Govee H6001 LED bulb. Built with BlueHeron. The code to actually control the govee H6001 can be found at
Pre-req: after first compiling, run ./contrib/
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install --prefix assets
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Run mix assets.deploy
before pushing to git
This is important because this is how the top-level application pulls the latest assets (especially js)