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🌸 dotfiles

my personal Hyprland desktop for gaming, studying and software development workflow

  • 🎨 pywal is being used as color scheme
  • 🖥️ foot is being used as terminal emulator
  • 📜 neovim is being used as text editor
  • 💥 picom is being used as compositor
  • 🔔 dunst is being used as notification daemon
  • 📸 grim and slurp are being used as screenshot tools
  • 📊 eww is being used as status bar
  • Lora as serif font, Inter as sans-serif font, and Iosevka (nerd variant here) as monospaced font


1. packages

Arch Linux
  • wayland: wayland, wayland-protocols, wl-clipboard
  • seat management: seatd
  • screenshot: grim, slurp
  • notifications: dunst
  • compositor: hyprland-git, hyprpaper-git, socat
  • status bar: eww-wayland
  • browser: firefox
  • terminal emulator: foot
  • color scheme: pywal, pywalfox, imagemagick
  • audio: pipewire, pipewire-alsa, pipewire-pulse
  • amdgpu: mesa-tkg-git, libva-utils, ffmpeg-git, vulkan-icd-loader-git, mesa-vdpau
  • amdgpu [lib32]: lib32-mesa-tkg-git, lib32-mesa-vdpau, lib32-vulkan-icd-loader-git
  • fonts: ttf-iosevka, lora-cyrillic-git, inter-font, noto-fonts-emoji, ttf-font-awesome
  • gtk/qt theme: qt5ct, qt5-styleplugins, kora-icon-theme, wpgtk
Alpine Linux
  • wayland: wayland wayland-protocols wl-clipboard xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
  • seat management: seatd eudev
  • screenshot: grim slurp
  • notifiations: dunst
  • compositor: ./alpine/packages/hyprland, ./alpine/packages/hyprpaper, socat
  • status bar: eww
  • browser: firefox
  • terminal emulator: foot
  • color scheme: py3-pywal, python3 py3-pip + pip install pywalfox
  • audio server: pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse wireplumber
  • amdgpu: mesa mesa-dri-gallium mesa-va-gallium mesa-vulkan-ati mesa-gl mesa-gles mesa-egl mesa-glapi mesa-utils vulkan-loader vulkan-headers mesa-vulkan-layers vulkan-validation-layers mesa-gbm libva-glx ffmpeg
  • fonts: font-noto-cjk font-iosevka font-inter font-noto-extra ttf-font-awesome ttf-dejavu font-noto-emoji fontconfig
  • zsh utils: zoxide
  • gtk/qt theme: qt5ct qt5-qtwayland qt6-qtwayland adwaita-cursor-theme

2. symlinking configuration files

shopt -s dotglob
git clone .dots && cd .dots
doas mv /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail /usr/share/fontconfig/config.avail.bak
doas ln -s "$(pwd)/fonts"/* /usr/share/fonts/
doas ln -s "$(pwd)/etc"/* /etc/
doas cp -r "$(pwd)"/plymouth-theme /usr/share/plymouth/themes/lone/
ln -s "$(pwd)/config"/* "$HOME"/.config/
ln -s "$(pwd)/home"/* "$HOME"/
ln -s "$(pwd)/bin"/* "$HOME"/.bin/

3. generating gtk/qt theme

make sure to install the required packages first and generated your color scheme with pywal, then you can run: -g
wallpaper=$(cat ~/.fehbg | cut -d\' -f2 | sed -e 's|#!/bin/sh||' | xargs)
wpg -s $wallpaper

troubleshooting and fixes