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canode is a Publick Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate Authority (CA) implemented in JavaScript, running in Node.js, interfacing to OpenSSL. It provides a HTTP API to perform standard functions in OpenSSL to create and maintain a certificate authority and associated certificates.

It is currently MVP quality - it performs the bare minimum functions to get a CA up and running to issue certificates.

The supported functions are listed below. Each function is invoked by POSTing a command block to the server:

POST http://localhost:8443/

where the body contains a JSON formatted object which identifies the action and any parameters required by the server to successfully carry out that action.

#CACreate When creating a new CA it uses the structure of Organisation/Team/Product to identify a distinct authority. This way consumers can create separate CAs for different products, environment levels, teams and organisations. This should suit the needs of most people - I could extend this to be configurable but trying to keep it simple right now.

Body: { "action": "ca-create", "organisation": "testOrg", "team": "testTeam", "product": "testProduct" }

The operation creates a folder structure for the CA, a root certificate and an intermediate certificate, a CRL. It then returns the root and intermediate certificates so that they can be stored in the relevant certificate store/cert-chain for the consumer.


This simply returns the root certificate and intermediate certificate as above, without the creation parts of the operation.

Body: { "action": "ca-get", "organisation": "testOrg", "team": "testTeam", "product": "testProduct" }

TODO: To be more RESTful this should probably be re-written as GET http://localhost:844/ca/testOrg/testTeam/testProduct


This operation creates a certificate for a server to use on TLS protected channels. The server certificate will be signed by the intermediate authority created in the CACreate operation.

Body: { "action": "cert-create", "organisation": "testOrg", "team": "testTeam", "product": "testProduct", "entity": "testServer", "type": "server_cert" }

entity: is the name of the server that will be put in the CN field type: identifies the type of certificate (server or user)

TODO: support SAN (DNS for server, e-mail for user) TODO: add support for user certificates

This will return the end entity certificate only.


Simply returns the identified certificate.

Body: { "action": "cert-get", "organisation": "testOrg", "team": "testTeam", "product": "testProduct", "entity": "testServer" }


Creates a RSA key pair for a specified entity and returns it.

Body: { "action": "key-create", "organisation": "testOrg", "team": "testTeam", "product": "testProduct", "entity": "testServer", "keypass": "password" }

If the organisation, team, product and entity are not provided then a transient keypair is created and returned.


Create a certificate signing request and return it to the consumer for further action.

Body: { "action": "csr-create", "organisation": "testOrg", "team": "testTeam", "product": "testProduct", "entity": "testServer" }


  • Authentication/Authorisation, most likely using OIDC

  • Custom DN format on subject/issuer

  • Extensions like SAN

  • Revoke certificates

  • Delete CA

  • OCSP interface

  • Reissue certificate

  • Proper documentation :(

  • Boilerplate client code

  • Handle different formats using Accept header and MIME types: application/pkcs8 .p8 .key application/pkcs10 .p10 .csr application/pkix-cert .cer application/pkix-crl .crl application/pkcs7-mime .p7c

    application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt .der application/x-x509-user-cert .crt application/x-pkcs7-crl .crl

    application/x-pem-file .pem application/x-pkcs12 .p12 .pfx

    application/x-pkcs7-certificates .p7b .spc application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp .p7r


Certificate Authority using Node.js






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