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Exploring Evolutionary Protein Fitness Landscapes

Evaluting a protein's fitness function for all its evolutionary descendents (aka variants) leads to extremely rugged, non-convex landscapes. Efficently nativating this landscape is a hard optimization task, increasing in complexity as the size of the protein increases. This makes it extremely hard to efficently find the optimal variants. In this work, primarily based on [1], we explore a protein's evolutionary landscape to efficently find a set of variants for a desired design task.

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To install,

  • Clone the github repo to a directory (i.e. path/to/cloned/repo/)
  • cd into the cloned repo
  • python [install|develop]



We have designed the preprocessing module to be easy to use for protein-related sequences/tasks. To preprocess a sequence, use the following

from profit.dataset.preprocessors import LSTMPreprocessor

preprocessor = LSTMPreprocessor("aa20")
encoded_seq = preprocessor.get_input_feats(template)
# array([12., 16., 18., 11., 10.,  9., 10.,  2.,  7., 11., 16., 10., 11.,
#         7.,  6., 16., 16., 16.,  6.,  0., 19.,  3.,  0.,  0., 16.,  0.,
#         6., 11., 19., 13., 11.,  5., 18.,  0.,  2.,  3.,  2.,  7., 19.,
#         3.,  7.,  6., 17., 16., 18.,  3.,  3.,  0., 16., 11., 16., 13.,
#        16., 19., 16.,  6.])

to obtain an sequence encoded representation of the protein. Similarly, for a structural 3D representation of the protein,

from profit.dataset.preprocessing import PDBMutator
from profit.dataset.preprocessors import EGCNPreprocessor

pos = [39, 40, 41, 54]
residues = ["T", "N", "T", "Y"]
mutator = PDBMutator(fmt="tertiary")
mol = mutator.mutate(pdbid="3gb1", replace_with=dict(zip(pos, residues)))

preprocessor = EGCNPreprocessor()
encoded = preprocessor.get_input_feats(mol)
print([arr.shape for arr in encoded])  # [(867, 63), (867, 867), (867, 867, 3)]

should be used. Extending this to use your own preprocessing pipeline, you have to add a preprocessor class, depending on whether you want a sequence-based or structure-based preprocessor.

class MyFancyPreprocessor(SequencePreprocessor):

    def __init__(self, ...):
        # add variables/constants that do not change between each individual variant 

    def get_input_feats(self, seq):
        # preprocessing code here; return features as tuple


Building and training a model should be as simple as building any torch module.


Given that the optimization is highly dependent on the model and the preprocessed data, the optimization is the hardest to extend as there is no underlying framework (currently) for how one should be structured. However, if using the CbAS optimization technique, then one can simply call the procedure with the required oracle, gpr, and generative model. See examples for more details.


The best way to understand how to best use the module is to refer to the actual examples within the examples/ folder.

3GB1 (regression task)

To demonstrate the capabilities of how the optimization procedure efficently navigates a protein's fitness landscape, we train on actual protein variants, provided by [2] (see examples/gb1). In particular, it is useful to take a look at how the oracle (aka fitness evaluation function), gaussian process regressor (aka the "quasi" ground truth evaluation function), and VAE (aka generative model) are trained. More importantly, to understand how the CbAS algorithm uses each of these "components" within its optimization scheme, take a look at



Although some portions of the code are built to support computations on the GPU (i.e. model training code), a vast majority of the pre-processing steps occur on the CPU, hidden under several abstraction layers. While these are cached after the first run, they are severely unoptimized and quite slow. I would like to fix this, it is not of high priority (for now).


Disclaimer: The tensorflow portion of the code has not been extensively tested, and as such, may have a lot of bugs. I do not have much time to get it working as well as the pytorch version (for now), so I'm unsure whether to remove it altogether or fix it. Regardless, if you get it working, please submit a PR. I will try my best to accommodate any serious bug/feature requests.


[1] Brookes, David H., Hahnbeom Park, and Jennifer Listgarten. "Conditioning by adaptive sampling for robust design." arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.10060 (2019).

[2] Wu, Nicholas C., et al. "Adaptation in protein fitness landscapes is facilitated by indirect paths." Elife 5 (2016): e16965.