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Frunze API Server

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Rust API server supporting Frunze Web IDE.


Frunze API Server is API server written in Rust that relies on MongoDB database.


To setup database please follow the instructions from Frunze repository.

Bill of Materials API

To estimate the price of your project, we should gather real-time offers for every project hardware component from the distributors (DigiKey, Mouser etc.) and we leverage Octopart for that. That means you should supply --bom-api-key xxxxxx command line argument with the proper Octopart API Key.

Schematic Export API

To locally deploy Schematic Export API please follow the instructions from Frunze repository.

Run Server

Run development API server with (localhost:8009 by default):

$ cargo run

or if you'd like to use custom IP address or/and port (don't forget to re-configure client part as well):

$ cargo run -- --ip --port 8008

with Export API key:

$ RUST_LOG=frunze_api cargo run -- --bom-api-key xxxxxxxx

For custom MongoDB instance use the following parameters:

$ cargo run -- ... --db-ip --db-port 27018 --db-name my-own-db-name

There is also option to run the API server in a dedicated Docker container if you just want to check it out:

$ docker build -t frunze-api:dev .
$ docker run -d --name frunze-api -p 8009:8009 frunze-api:dev

Build Server

Run cargo build. The build artifacts will be stored in the target/ directory. Use --release flag for a production build.

Run unit tests

Server part unit tests rely on stainless crate and hence require Rust Nightly (the server itself works fine with Rust Stable). It's recommended to use rustup to deal with several Rust versions simultaneously. Let's say you use rustup, then to run unit tests just run:

$ cargo +nightly test

Run Rust linter and source code formatter

To run Clippy checks:

$ cargo +nightly clippy

To format project with RustFmt:

$ cargo +nightly fmt