Harmony Hackathon:
buy BEE TOKEN and stake it in any chain you want Etheruem or harmony the reward will be the HNY TOKEN uses Harmony's bridge ETH<->ONE to jump from chain to another.
install Harmony One Wallet extension for Brave, Chrome and Firefox.
get some test token using this link
buy BEE token and stake it in harmony chain or use the bridge to jump to etheruem network. all contract was deployed in kovan network. as a reward for staking you will earn HNY token
skynet https://siasky.net/AACh2iouJO6rCuQ5GAYqnjpLgO0zT0iQ2oQM3o59UEwlMA/
this project was a submission for the harmony hackathon https://gitcoin.co/issue/harmony-one/hackathon/1/100024063 team https://gitcoin.co/arabya and https://gitcoin.co/azizyano