Teresa is an extremely simple platform as a service that runs on top of Kubernetes. It uses a client-server model: the client sends high level commands (create application, deploy, etc.) to the server, which translates them to the Kubernetes API.
Server requirements:
Kubernetes cluster (>= 1.9)
database backend to store users and teams (SQLite or MySQL)
storage for build artifacts (AWS S3 or minio)
rsa keys for token signing
(optional) TLS encryption key and certificate
The recommended installation method uses the helm package manager, for instance to install using S3 and MySQL (recommended):
$ openssl genrsa -out teresa.rsa
$ export TERESA_RSA_PRIVATE=`base64 -w0 teresa.rsa`
$ openssl rsa -in teresa.rsa -pubout > teresa.rsa.pub
$ export TERESA_RSA_PUBLIC=`base64 -w0 teresa.rsa.pub`
$ helm repo add luizalabs http://helm.k8s.magazineluiza.com
$ helm install luizalabs/teresa \
--namespace teresa \
--set rsa.private=$TERESA_RSA_PRIVATE \
--set rsa.public=$TERESA_RSA_PUBLIC \
--set aws.key.access=xxxxxxxx \
--set aws.key.secret=xxxxxxxx \
--set aws.region=us-east-1 \
--set aws.s3.bucket=teresa \
--set db.name=teresa \
--set db.hostname=dbhostname \
--set db.username=teresa \
--set db.password=xxxxxxxx \
--set rbac.enabled=true
Look here for more information about helm options.
You need to create an admin user to perform user and team management:
$ export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n teresa -l "app=teresa" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
$ kubectl exec $POD_NAME -it -n teresa -- ./teresa-server create-super-user --email admin@email.com --password xxxxxxxx
Read the first sections of the FAQ.
Run the following in your command-line:
$ brew tap luizalabs/teresa-cli
$ brew install teresa