Lol — and programming is fun again.
Because the world strongly needs another programming language.
A little bit more seriously: the main idea is to make metaprogramming in erlang easier.
It is not about replacing Erlang, it is about using the two together.
- Lisp-1
- Small and clean codebase (for now :))
- Joxa is not developed anymore and it uses code generation for the erlang core.
$ git clone git://
$ cd lol
$ ./rebar compile
$ echo '(defn hello [name] (io:format "Hello, ~s.~n" [name]))' >
$ erl -pa ebin
1> lol_compiler:file("", "ebin/simple.beam").
2> simple:hello("Dima").
Hello, Dima.
- Integer:
- Float:
- Symbol:
- Simple string:
- S-expr:
- List:
[1 2 3]
expanding to(list 1 2 3)
- Tuple:
{1 2 3}
expanding to(tuple 1 2 3)
- Quote:
'(1 2 3)
expanding to(quote (1 2 3))
- Define public function:
(defn public [arg1 arg2]
- Define private function:
(defn- private [arg1 arg2]
- Lambda:
(fn [arg1 arg2] (expr1) (expr2))
- Let with pattern matching:
(let [{'ok file} (file:read_file "number")
number (binary_to_integer file)]
(io:format "Number is: ~p~n" [number]))
- Let with sequence in body:
(let [{'ok file} (file:read_file "number")
number (binary_to_integer file)]
(file:write_file "number_copy" (integer_to_binary number))
(io:format "Number is: ~p~n" [number])))
- Case:
(case (get_coords)
({x y} 'ok)
({x y z} (do (first_expr) (second_expr))))
- Call:
(call 'func)
(call 'func [arg1 arg2])
(call 'mod 'func)
(call 'mod 'func [arg1 arg2])
- Apply:
((fn [x] x) "some")
- Full erlang forms support: float, binary, characters, strings with interpolation, records, maps, etc
- Full erlang syntax support: receive, clauses for functions and lambdas, etc
- Improve lol forms support: let, do, def, etc
- Extended importing and name aliasing
- Macroses
form for providing macroses for Erlang from Lol- Translation right in Erlang sources
- stdlib
- Write Lol on Lol
It is dedicated to “Let Over Lambda” and “Land of Lisp”.
Have fun.