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Javier Olaechea edited this page Nov 4, 2018 · 9 revisions

Tables are an nice way to present some data. All tables are sortable by their columns and vertical plus horizontal Highlighting is build in.

Create a new table

screen =
@table ={ 
	:x => 1, # X Position (must have)
	:y  => 1, # Y Position (must have)
	:highlight_direction => :horizontal, # direction which can be highlighted, default :horizontal 
	:table => [
		[1,"Some", "random","example"],
		[2,"text", "presented", "in"],
		[3,"an", "table","plus some random way to long text"]
	], # table content (rows should have the same size)
	:cols => [
		{ :title => "ID", :title_color => Pixel.random.fg, :length => 3 },
		{ :title => "Col 1", :color => Pixel.random.fg, :title_color => Pixel.random.fg },
		{ :title => "Col 2", :color => Pixel.random.fg, :title_color => Pixel.random.fg },
		{ :title => "Col 3", :max_length => 10 }
	], # cols definitions, NOTE: :max_length & :length
	:header => true, # show the header
	:hover => 32, # hover color (default: none)
	:background => 30, # background color (default: by theme)
	:foreground => 122 # foreground color (default: by theme)
screen.add @table

Table sorting

Just tell the table which column should be ordered

@table.sort 1

Full sorting example with highlighting

@table.highlight_direction = :vertical

RuTui::ScreenManager.loop({ :autodraw => true }) do |key|
	break if key.chr == "q" or key == 3 # CTRL+C

	(@table.highlight += 1) if key.chr == "d" and highlight < @table.width-1
	(@table.highlight -= 1) if key.chr == "a" and highlight >= 1
	if key.chr == "x"
		@table.sort @table.highlight

Add & remove rows

@table.add [4,"Another","Random","Row"]
@table.delete 3

Read and set data

All data is accessible via attributes, like

@table.table # returns the data table

To set and restructure the whole data table use

@table.set_table new_table
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