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Your senpai's neovim config

Get healthy

Open nvim and enter the following:



  • neovim
  • hack nerd font
  • ripgrep
  • fd
  • prettier
  • black
  • isort
  • flake8
  • install language servers with :LspInstallInfo [jsonls, rust_analyzer, pyright, clangd, cssls, tsserver, html, tailwindcss]

Neovim python support

pip install pynvim

Neovim node support

npm i -g neovim

Custom Keymaps

Keyboard Shortcut Function
ctrl + h move between windows (left)
ctrl + j move between windows (down)
ctrl + k move between windows (up)
ctrl + l move between windows (right)
shift + s replace command
leader + s no highlight
leader + e neovim tree
ctrl + up resize window
ctrl + down resize window
ctrl + left resize window
ctrl + right resize window
shift + l move to next buffer
shift + h move to previous buffer
> indent (visual mode)
< unindent (visual mode)
shift + j move block of text down (visual mode)
shift + k move block of text up (visual mode)
ctrl + e close completion window
ctrl + j move down in completion window
ctrl + k move up in completion window
ctrl + b page up in completion window
ctrl + f page down in completion window
tab move down in completion window
shift + tab move up in completion window
ctrl + space open completion window
g + d go to the definition
shift + k information (lsp)
ctrl + k signature help (lsp)
g + r find all references (across all files)
] + d loop through all errors and warnings (down)
[ + d loop through all errors and warnings (up)
g + l show error (lsp)
leader + q show all errors in a file
leader + f find files
ctrl + t live grep
ctrl + p previous search (telescope)
ctrl + n next search (telescope)
ctrl + j move down (telescope)
ctrl + k move up (telescope)
ctrl + c close (telescope)
ctrl + x open horizontal (telescope)
ctrl + v open vertical (telescope)
ctrl + t open tab (telescope)
ctrl + u preview scroll up (telescope)
ctrl + d preview scroll down (telescope)
ctrl + v open vertical (telescope)
ctrl + t open tab (telescope)
tab loop through all options (up) (telescope)
shift + tab loop through all options (down) (telescope)
j down (normal mode) (telescope)
k up (normal mode) (telescope)
G bottom (normal mode) (telescope)
gg top (normal mode) (telescope)
alt + e autopair fastwrap (useful af)
g + c comment one line
g + c + c comment multiple line
leader + c line commit info (gitsigns)
leader + g preview hunk (changes made) (gitsigns)
a add file (neovim tree)
r rename file (neovim tree)
d delete file (neovim tree)
v vertical split (neovim tree)
ctrl + \ toggle terminal
:lua _NODE_TOGGLE() node shell
:lua _BTOP_TOGGLE() btop
:lua _PYTHON_TOGGLE() python shell
leader + . compile and run python/node/c/c++/rust code
leader + k Cphelper - run tests


Your senpai's neovim config





