This (composer) package enables additional phing tasks for your phing automatizations.
- The tasks require a property SW_PATH which sets the shopware root path.
- A property "language" should exist in the phing project aswell.
- activateSWPlugin(PhingShopware\Task\ActivatePlugin): Calls the shopware cli to activate a plugin with the given id.
- plugin: Plugin Id
- [ignore: (true|false) - Ignore a possible error?]
- callSWCLI(PhingShopware\Task\CallCLI): Calls the shopware cli with the given command.
- command: The command for the cli.
- [consoleOutput: The name of the var, which will contain the output.]
- [returnOutput: The name of the var, which will contain the return value.]
- clearSWCache(PhingShopware\Task\ClearCache): Calls the shell script to empty the cache directory of shopware.
- controlSWPlugin(PhingShopware\Task\ControlPlugin): Handles basic plugin operations for your shopware shop.
- [activate: (true|false) - Activates or deactivates the module if you provide this parameter.]
- [ignore: (true|false) - Should errors be ignored?]
- [install: (true|false) - Install the plugin first?]
- [Possible Child-Properties]
- plugin: The ID of the plugin.]
- [update: (true|false) - Update the plugin?]
- handleSWMaintenance(PhingShopware\Task\HandleMaintenance): Activate or deactive the maintenance mode?
- enable: (true|false)
- [shopScope: For which scope?]
- ifSWPlugin(PhingShopware\Task\IfPlugin): Custom if-Check for plugin states
- existsSWPlugin(PhingShopware\Task\Condition\Plugin\IsExisting): Does the plugin exist?
- plugin: The ID of the plugin.
- isSWPluginActive(PhingShopware\Task\Condition\Plugin\IsActive): Is the plugin active?
- plugin: The ID of the plugin.
- isSWPluginInstalled(PhingShopware\Task\Condition\Plugin\IsInstalled): Is the plugin active?
- plugin: The ID of the plugin.
- SWPluginNeedsUpdate(PhingShopware\Task\Condition\Plugin\IsInstalled): Needs the plugin an update?
- plugin: The ID of the plugin.
- existsSWPlugin(PhingShopware\Task\Condition\Plugin\IsExisting): Does the plugin exist?
- installSWDatabase(PhingShopware\Task\InstallDatabase): Fetches the typical database from your locally installed dev release and installs the shopware database.
- installSWDemoData(PhingShopware\Task\InstallDemoData): Tries to download a demo file from and "unzips" it to the shop directory.
- [demoVersion: A semantic versioning string for the demo data version]
- [overwrite: (true|false) - Should the new demo zip overwrite the old one?]
- [stopOnError: (true|false) - Should a download error stop the process?]
- [urlPattern: Which url pattern should be used?]
- saveSWConfigData(PhingShopware\Task\SaveConfigData): Saves the typical and required config data in database (adminLanguage, adminName, ... Please review the example xml).
- writeSWConfigFile(PhingShopware\Task\WriteConfigFile): Takes the config and writes the typical shopware config file.
- writeToSWDatabase(PhingShopware\Task\WriteToDatabase): Executes given queries in the database.
- file: The path to a sql file.
- [withParse: (true|false) "Parse" the given file? Parsing means, separating the queries with ;\r\n -> ;\n]
You can include this tasks like this:
To register the custom task with Phing, the taskdef element (line 5) is used. See Section B.40, “TaskdefTask ” for a more detailed explanation. Optionally, before the taskdef element, the includepath element adds a path to PHP's include path. This is of course only required if the mentioned path isn't already on the include path. See Section B.24, “IncludePathTask ” for a more detailed explanation. (
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project name="test" basedir="." default="echoPossibleTargets">
<!-- Needed globally in some tasks! -->
<property name="database_host" value="your database host" />
<property name="database_name" value="your database name" />
<property name="database_password" value="your database password" />
<property name="database_port" value="your database port" />
<property name="database_user" value="rooyour database user" />
<property name="language" value="your shop language (de|en)" />
<property name="SW_PATH" value="The path to your shopware dir." override="true" />
<includepath classpath="src" />
<taskdef file="etc/" />
<target name="echoPossibleTargets">
<echo>Please use one of this targets: prepareLocalEnv</echo>
<target name="prepareLocalEnv">
<writeSWConfigFile />
<installSWDatabase />
adminLanguage="lang" adminName="your backend name" adminEmail="your admin mail"
adminPassword="your admin password" adminUser="your admin user name"
configMail="the mail of the shop" shopCurrency="the default shop currency"
shopLanguage="the default shop language" shopHost="your shop host" />
<!-- Some plugin processing -->
<callSWCLI command="sw:plugin:refresh" />
<existsSWPlugin plugin="AdvancedMenu" />
<echo>AdvancedMenu exists.</echo>
<echo>AdvancedMenu does not exist.</echo>
<isSWPluginInstalled plugin="AdvancedMenu" />
<echo>AdvancedMenu allready installed.</echo>
<controlSWPlugin install="true" plugin="AdvancedMenu" />
<isSWPluginActive plugin="AdvancedMenu" />
<echo>AdvancedMenu allready activated.</echo>
<controlSWPlugin activate="true" plugin="AdvancedMenu">
<!--<property file="" /> -->