This repo is no longer maintained. Please see b4ck5p4c3/iot-devices
The Button is used to open the B4CKSP4CE door.
When the button is pressed or released, down
or up
(respectively) is published to the bus/devices/opener.button/event
Pressing the button will also turn on green light for 1.5 seconds.
Publish on
or off
to the bus/devices/opener.button/rainbow
topic to control rainbow effect.
The Button is powered with DC 5V
3 addressable WS2812B LEDs are connected to GPIO2
The button of the button is connected to GPIO4
Create and fill secrets.yaml
api_password: <string> # used to flash OTA
wifi_ssid: <string>
wifi_password: <string>
mqtt_broker: <string>
mqtt_username: <string>
mqtt_password: <string>
You will need esphome to build the firmware.
pip3 install esphome
One simple command will build the firmware and flash the ESP8266.
esphome run sp4ce-button.yaml
The ESP8266 is flashed Over The Air by default. If you have a USB-UART adapter connected, you will be able to use it to flash over UART.