aGroup is a demo/research project I did to play around with Node.js and Angular.
So it is a "complete" MEAN stack project (Backend + Frontend) I built from scratch (an empty dir :) to see how it is to put a complete web app live using this technology.
You can chekout a live demo on Heroku here.
Note: If it is dead, please drop me a line, probably Heroku dynos are sleeping for too long and need a restart.
It has very basic functions, but allow anyone to see how the basic things work in the MEAN Javascript full stack, from the Back to the Frontend:
- Sing up as a new user
- Log in and manage your "profile"
- A sort of "events" CRUD
- Mails the event owner, when somebody post a new thing on it
The app plays around with some web app important concepts:
- Routing in the Backend (using Express)
- EJS templates and partials
- Basic authentication and authorization
- Single page app in the Frontend (using Angular routes)
- Controllers and forms (even with some fancy validations in the sign up form ;-)
- Angular services, resources, directives, etc.
- Storing data in a MongoDB (
If you do want to download and install it to tinker and mess around just go:
git clone
cd agroup
npm install
node server.js
And everything has worked if you can go to http://localhost:3030 and the app is up and alive ;-)