Your computer could explode at any time. No big deal - just brew a really large cup of coffee and restore your dotfiles.
Open a terminal and type
to install developer tools. -
Clone this repo to
git clone --recursive ~/.dotfiles
- Generate new keys by running:
~/.dotfiles/ <github email address>
Add the newly created keys to your Github and (Drupal) Gitlab accounts
Perform a clean install:
Apps that currently require manual download:
Final Cut Pro (associated with different Apple account)
Login to Chrome profile to sync browser extensions and settings.
Authorize iTunes
Replace Spotlight with Raycast (Is this actually covered by current settings export?)
Open CodeWhisperer to provide a11y permissions.
Turn on VSCode settings sync
Update terminal settings to use pro profile with powerline font size 11.
Trust Lando certs after you've started a Lando app
Complete DDEV install:
mkcert -install
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ~/.lando/certs/
To install apps, clone repositories and sync Mac settings, run:
mackup backup --force
And commit the result.
Due to a bug with Sonoma and Mackup, it is then necessary to 'uninstall' Mackup to make sure settings are honored going forward.
mackup uninstall --force