I can export and import any MooseModel in a json format adapted for graph database
Metacello new
githubUser: 'badetitou' project: 'Moose2GraphJson' commitish: 'v1.0.0' path: 'src';
baseline: 'Moose2GraphJson';
Metacello new
githubUser: 'badetitou' project: 'Moose2GraphJson' commitish: 'main' path: 'src';
baseline: 'Moose2GraphJson';
'D:/test.json' asFileReference writeStreamDo: [ :stream | (M2GJExporter on: stream) writeMooseModel: aMooseModel ]
(M2GJImporter on: 'D:/ref/to/model.json' asFileReference readStream)
model: MooseModel new;
importer import.
importer model name
You can load the generated json file with this command
CALL apoc.load.json('file:///test-graph.json') YIELD value
WITH value.nodes AS nodes, value.relationships AS rels
UNWIND nodes AS n
CALL apoc.create.node(n.labels, apoc.map.setKey(n.properties, 'id', n.id)) YIELD node
WITH rels, apoc.map.fromPairs(COLLECT([n.id, node])) AS nMap
UNWIND rels AS r
WITH r, nMap[TOSTRING(r.startNode)] AS startNode, nMap[TOSTRING(r.endNode)] AS endNode
WHERE startNode IS NOT NULL and endNode IS NOT NULL
CALL apoc.create.relationship(startNode, r.type, r.properties, endNode) YIELD rel
Import and Export Fame model the following format
"nodes": [
"id": 3510982,
"labels": ["FAMIX.Class"],
"properties": { "isStub": false, "isInterface": false, "numberOfLinesOfCode": 0, "name": "a" }
"id": 3510983,
"labels": ["FAMIX.Attribute"],
"properties": { "name": "a1", "hasClassScope": false, "numberOfLinesOfCode": -1, "isStub": false }
"id": 3510984,
"labels": ["FAMIX.Attribute"],
"properties": { "name": "a2", "hasClassScope": false, "numberOfLinesOfCode": -1, "isStub": false }
"relationships": [
{ "type": "parentType", "startNode": 3510983, "endNode": 3510982, "properties": {} },
{ "type": "parentType", "startNode": 3510984, "endNode": 3510982, "properties": {} }