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Database of Latin Lexicon

The Database of Latin Lexicon is an open-source project to create a reliable and complete database of Latin words.


Latin is an inflected language, which means that the endings of its nouns, verbs, and adjectives change to reflect their meaning. These changes, or inflections, are highly regular, so it makes sense to organise them in some way.

The basic idea behind the DoLL is to separate out the lexical meaning of a word from its various inflections. Such lexical meanings are termed lexemes.


The DoLL is a continuation of the work of William Whitaker, who created the Latin-English-Latin dictionary Whitaker’s Words. It comprises three parts. The first is a sqlite database created from that object model using sqlalchemy. The second is a python program which ingests the input files for Words (originally written in ADA) and creates the instances of the classes in its object model. The third is a basic word parser (also written in python) for querying the database.


The database, in the doll/db directory, defines the model for the database using sqlalchemy (, and basic configuration elements in This determines the name for the database file and whether sqlalchemy prints output to the console (echo).

Input parser

The input parser, in the doll/input_parser directory, is itself in three parts:

  • does the job of adding basic type elements to the database, equivalent to the codes in Words, though with more detail (names and descriptions) for use in user interfaces

  • parses the DICTLINE.GEN file from the Words source code and creates the dictionary entries themselves

  • parses the INFLECTS.LAT file from the Words source code and creates the inflections records

In __init.py__ the method parse_all_inputs takes the location of the words source code as an input, and runs the methods in the other modules in the directory. It also checks that the required input files are present; currently this means just DICTLINE.GEN and INFLECTS.LAT, but in future will need to look for the addons input file.

Word parser

Occupying the module, the parse_word method rather presumptuously says Welcome to Words!. While the intention is that this will become a facsimile of Words proper, it is intended of an example of how to use the database model to achieve a goal.

Current status

Firstly, two things should be noted about the software:

  1. Nothing is in its final form.
  2. Changes between versions will not preserve backward compatibility.

At this point, the DoLL has no version number, to highlight the fact that it is currently an exploration rather than being on a path to success. Words is hugely impressive, but its architecture is limited by the structure of its inputs, and creating a normalised database from those inputs is less than straightforward. The following things are currently identified as significant challenges:

  • currently handles only nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns
    • This is just a case of creating the queries for the other part of speech codes, but as these are created other problems arise than need considering.
  • There is no English-Latin translation
    • In Words, this is much more structurally straightforward as this is a word search on the dictionary, and for English lexemes that do inflect (verbs and pronouns) there is no attempt to link the various inflections between the two languages. Given how irregular English is, that seems completely sensible, but it does mean that the amount of effort to create the English-Latin part of a parser would be very slight.
  • Neither dictionary entries nor inflections have macrons
    • I am currently in two minds as to whether to alter the input files, or to create some way of updating them once they have been ingested by the application but before being added to the database. I would like to see Words as complete, but realistically I think it unlikely that the DoLL check 39k different words and 2,000 inflections on first creation. While the database schema is still in flux it would seem silly to move to it as the single source of truth before time. It would likely be possible to implement general rules such as those described here, but that would not be a solution in the long-term/
  • Translations are not handled well
    • Translations are currently stored in a single column in the dictionary_entry table (the Entry class). This needs sorting soon, as Whitaker left clear definitions on the structure of translations (,;: all have different meanings). It also limits the use of the DoLL to English, which, while popular, is not universal.
  • Addons are ignored
    • Prefixes, suffixes, and the like, are handled in Words by the addons_package and generated from the ADDONS.LAT file. These are not used at all by the DoLL, but are definitely something we want to add support for.
  • qu/cu pronouns are a mess
    • These pronouns have multiple dictionary and inflection entries, created for computational convenience, but this leads to duplicate results when parsing words


Database of Latin Lexicon







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