This module helps in closing the patient visit based on the observations filled.
For building this omod, run:
mvn clean install
Place that built omod in the following path:
Run the test cases from ide by marking test folder as Test Sources Root
It creates a new Scheduler Task Close Visits On Outcome
which runs everyday at 11:50:00 pm.
It also creates two new global properties visits.closeOnAnOutcome.conceptName(s)
and visits.closeOnAnOutcome.visitType(s)
visits.closeOnAnOutcome.conceptName(s) : We can configure the concepts here using |
as separator. Based on their outcomes we can close the specified visits.
Note: To close visit on specific concept outcomes fully qualified concept name should be given in {"fully qualified concept name":["outcome1", "outcome2"]} format.
Example: concept name1 | {"concept name2":["outcome1", "outcome2"]} | concept name3
visits.closeOnAnOutcome.visitType(s) : Everytime when the scheduler runs the visits configured here will be closed, based on the outcomes of the concepts specified.