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Read Smart GraphQL Stubbing in Cypress. Note that with the addition of cy.intercept all extra hacks became unnecessary.


Cypress tests

All tests are in the cypress/integration folder.

By mocking network calls using cy.intercept see the intercept-spec.js file.

Spec client-spec.js is testing making individual GraphQL calls using app's own client.

Spec ui-spec.js has simple tests that do not depend on the network, and thus are hard to write.

We can use cy.request command to make GraphQL requests ourselves, see the request-spec.js file.

We can stub the initial items load using a fixture file. See the spec file fixture-spec.js.

We delete all items in the delete-spec.js test. First we query all todo items, then delete them one by one.

We can import the list of items from a fixture file cypress/fixtures/three.json and create a dynamic test for each item, see the spec file dynamic-spec.js.


Start server with npm start. You can find GraphQL playground at http://localhost:3000

App in action

Example asking for all todos

query {
  allTodos {


  "data": {
    "allTodos": [
        "id": "1",
        "title": "do something",
        "completed": false
        "id": "2",
        "title": "another",
        "completed": false

Example creating new todo object

mutation {
  createTodo(id: 2, title: "another", completed: false) {


  "data": {
    "createTodo": {
      "id": "2"

Example asking for a single todo (notice id argument)

query {
  Todo(id: 2) {


  "data": {
    "Todo": {
      "id": "2",
      "title": "another",
      "completed": false


Backend is json-graphql-server. Front-end React code is in src folder, modeled after Getting Started With React And GraphQL post.

To start the applications and open Cypress

$ npm run dev
# starts the API, starts the web application
# when the application responds
# opens Cypress test runner

To start the application and run headless Cypress tests

$ npm run local


Look at cypress/jsconfig.json that loads all 3rd party types, and includes the link to cypress/support/index.d.ts where I describe the type for custom command cy.createTodos defined in cypress/support/index.js.

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