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Bakkeby edited this page Jun 27, 2023 · 6 revisions

The Focus topic is about giving a client window focus.

The window manager uses sloppy focus, which means that windows underneath the mouse pointer will automatically receive focus as you move the mouse around.

The exception to this is that if the mouse pointer goes over the desktop background the root window will not receive focus - instead the window that last had focus will keep it.

Focus can also be moved around using only keybindings.

The focused window will usually have a brighter border colour.


Here is a list of functions relating to focus.

Function Description
focuswin Allows focusing on clients by left-clicking window titles in the bar
focusdir Directional focus on clients rather than just up and down the stack
focusmaster Change focus to the first tiled client on the active workspace
focusmon Changes which monitor has focus
focusstack Focus on clients up and down the stack across workspaces
focusurgent Focus on the first client marked as being urgent
stackfocus Focus clients at specific positions in the client stack on a workspace
switchcol Changes focus between the master area and the stack area


Here is a list of functionality that is related to focus.

Functionality Description
FocusFollowMouse Focus reverts to window beneath the mouse cursor rather than the most recently focused window
FocusOnClick Disables sloppy focus and requires mouse click to change focus between windows
FocusedOnTop Allows focused window to stay on top of other windows
FocusOnNetActive Allow windows demanding attention to receive focus automatically
RestrictFocusstackToMonitor Option to restrict focusstack to only operate within the monitor
Warp Warp cursor to currently focused window


Here is a list of flags that related to focus.

Flag Description
NoFocusOnNetActive Disables the FocusOnNetActive functionality for the client
NeverFocus Indicates that the client should never receive focus

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