This module lets you set a cron job that notifies your webhook when data queried changes.
npm i --save cron-webhook
const cronWebhook = require('cron-webhook').startCronWebhook
querySettings: {
query: url,
webhook: webhookUrl
This will perform every minute a get on the provided url and when data changes perform a get on webhookUrl.
Additional parameters and configurations can be set.
import {
CronWebHook, //class
TYPE_XML, //facility for setting the CronWebHook to convert XML response to object
TYPE_JSON, //facility for setting the CronWebHook to convert JSON response to object
TYPE_PLAIN_TEXT, //facility for setting the CronWebHook to convert PLAIN_TEXT response to object
startCronWebHook //facility if you don't care using the class
} from 'cron-webhook'
new CronWebHook({
querySettings: {
query: { // this can either be a url or an object made of method, url, parameters and body
method: httpMethod, //'get', 'post'
url: url,
webhook: { // this can either be a url or an object made of method, url, parameters and body
method: httpMethod, //'get', 'post'
url: url,
objectParser: TYPE_XML | TYPE_JSON | TYPE_PLAIN_TEXT | (string) => JSON.parse(string), //optional, defaults to plain text, function that converts queried response to an object,
objectTransformer: (bject) => object, //optional, defaults to identity, use it to filter out only part of the object you want to test for changes
stateFilePath: stringStateFilePath, //optional, defaults to __tempState.json
onStart: true, //optional, defaults to false, to make the webhook be notified on the first time,
state: null, //optional, initial state. if not provided, it is read from stateFilePath
equal: (s1, s2) => false, //optional, defaults to deepEqual, function that is called to check
cronPattern: '* * * * *', //optional, defaults to * * * * *, that is every minute
Visit cron github project for cronPattern. Axios is used for http, so check its docs.