Condenser is the react.js web interface to Blurt.
Please update the changelog with every change that you make to condenser.
To bring up a running container fit for production, it's as simple as this:
export CHICKEN=$(base64 --wrap=0 /dev/urandom | head -c 64)
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e SDC_SESSION_SECRETKEY=$CHICKEN
Or, to run it on an ARM-based computer such as a Raspberry Pi, use this Docker command instead:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e SDC_SESSION_SECRETKEY=$CHICKEN
NB: Make sure that you record $CHICKEN somewhere safe. It should remain consistent.
One way you can do that is by storing it in a file that you can source whenever you update your Condenser.
First, generate the key like before:
export CHICKEN=$(base64 --wrap=0 /dev/urandom | head -c 64)
Then print out the key:
You will get an output similar to this:
Then copy that string and make a file like this from your home directory:
touch .chicken
nano .chicken
In that file put in the key that you just generated, like this:
export CHICKEN=X7WdZOFjSBWvnkbDRVrKtsN/xbPJ2V+xmgWtNpcWhzSX4qZFUyNqvROBK32V6zoT
Then do Ctrl + o
and Ctrl + x
to save and exit.
The next time you want to relaunch Condenser, you can just do:
source .chicken
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e SDC_SESSION_SECRETKEY=$CHICKEN balvinder294/blurtlatam
If you would like to modify, build, and run condenser using docker, it's as simple as pulling in the gitlab repo and issuing one command to build it, like this:
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install git
curl -s | bash
git clone
cd blurtlatam
docker build . -t="myname/condenser:mybranch"
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e SDC_SESSION_SECRETKEY=$CHICKEN myname/condenser:mybranch
By default you will be connected to public RPC node. This is actually on the real blockchain and
you would use your regular account name and credentials to login - there is
not an official separate testnet at this time. If you intend to run a
full-fledged site relying on your own, we recommend running
locally instead
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install git
git clone
cd blurt/ui/condenser
mkdir tmp
nvm install 16.5
npm i -g yarn
yarn install
yarn run build
N.B.: before you start Condenser, you will need to set the environment variable SDC_SESSION_SECRETKEY
to a string of random characters with a minimum lenght of 32 bytes.
You can generate one with one of the following methods:
In a Linux terminal:
base64 --wrap=0 /dev/urandom | head -c 32
In nodejs:
> crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('base64')
> .exit
To run Condenser in production mode, run:
yarn run production
When launching condenser in production mode it will automatically use 1 process per available core. You will be able to access the front-end at http://localhost:8080 by default.
To run Condenser in development mode, run:
yarn run start
It will take longer to start in this mode because it needs to build and start the webpack-dev-server.
After you've done your dev work, push to a branch. CI will test the build. If it builds, merge to dev and you'll have a docker container at containing your latest work.
yarn debug
will build a development version of the codebase and then start the
local server with --inspect-brk
so that you can connect a debugging client.
You can use Chromium to connect by finding the remote client at
The intention is to configure condenser using environment variables. You
can see the names of all of the available configuration environment
variables in config/custom-environment-variables.json
. Default values are
stored in config/defaults.json
Keep in mind environment variables only exist in your active session, so if
you wish to save them for later use you can put them all in a file and
them in.
If you'd like to statically configure condenser without variables you can
edit the settings directly in config/production.json
. If you're running
in development mode, copy config/production.json
to config/dev.json
with cp config/production.json config/dev.json
and adjust settings in
If you're intending to run condenser in a production environment one
configuration option that you will definitely want to edit is
which can be set by the environment variable
. To generate a new value for this setting, you can
do this:
base64 --wrap=0 /dev/urandom | head -c 32
- Prefer CamelCase js and jsx file names
- Prefer lower case one word directory names
- Keep stylesheet files close to components
- Component's stylesheet file name should match component name
We use prettier to autofromat the
code, with this configuration. Run yarn run fmt
to format
everything in src/
, or yarn exec -- prettier --config .prettierrc --write src/whatever/file.js
for a specific file.
If a component requires a css rule, please use its uppercase name for the class, e.g. "Header" class for the header's root div. We adhere to BEM methodology with exception for Foundation classes, here is an example for the Header component:
<!-- Block -->
<ul class="Header">
<!-- Element -->
<li class="Header__menu-item">Menu Item 1</li>
<!-- Element with modifier -->
<li class="Header__menu-item--selected">Element with modifier</li>
yarn run storybook
yarn test
will run jest
If you want to test a server-side rendered page without using the network, do this:
yarn build
OFFLINE_SSR_TEST=true NODE_ENV=production node --prof lib/server/index.js
This will read data from the blobs in api_mockdata
directory. If you want to use another set of mock data, create a similar directory to that one and add an argument OFFLINE_SSR_TEST_DATA_DIR
pointing to your new directory.
To run a Selenium test suite, start the condenser docker image with a name condenser
(like docker run --name condenser -itp 8080:8080 blurt/condenser:latest
) and then run the blackboxtest image attached to the condneser image's network:
docker build -t=blurt/condenser-blackboxtest blackboxtest/
docker run --network container:condenser blurt/condenser-blackboxtest:latest
To report a non-critical issue, please file an issue on this GitHub project.
If you find a security issue please report details to:
We will evaluate the risk and make a patch available before filing the issue.