URL of ElasticSearch rest api. If there's more than one node you can define multiple URLs using ELASTIC_HOST_1, ELASTIC_HOST_2, etc.
IOC_ELASTIC_HOST=host.to.ioc.elastic:9300 host and the tcp transport port (NO rest port) of elastic with iocs. You can define multiple s as in case of ELASTIC_HOST env prop
Max number of records that can be returned from single search.
If not defined then 10000 is used by default.
see https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/whalebone/whalebone-api/1-oas3/
http port: 8080
mvn integration-test -Parq-wildfly-managed for IT tests there must be IOC_ELASTIC_HOST_REST=http://host.to.ioc.elastic:9200 set so the test IoC data can be initialized