npm run devstart(npm run serverstart)
- catalog/ — The home/index page.
- catalog// — The list of all books, bookinstances, genres, or authors (e.g. /catalog/books/, /catalog/genres/, etc.)
- catalog// — The detail page for a specific book, bookinstance, genre, or author with the given _id field value (e.g. /catalog/book/584493c1f4887f06c0e67d37).
- catalog//create — The form to create a new book, bookinstance, genre, or author (e.g. /catalog/book/create).
- catalog///update — The form to update a specific book, bookinstance, genre, or author with the given _id field value (e.g. /catalog/book/584493c1f4887f06c0e67d37/update).
- catalog///delete — The form to delete a specific book, bookinstance, genre, author with the given _id field value (e.g. /catalog/book/584493c1f4887f06c0e67d37/delete).
A npm module that controls MongoDB instance.
A nodejs web framework.
A Template engine.
express-generator(npm install express-generator -g) nodemon(npm install nodemon -g) async(npm install async) luxon(npm install luxon) express-valdator(npm install express-validator)
express <app name> --view=pug cd <app name> npm install
then, add the following code to script section in package.json
"scripts": { "start": "node ./bin/www", "devstart": "nodemon ./bin/www", "serverstart": "DEBUG=express-locallibrary-tutorial:* npm run devstart" },