An experiment in writing a genetic evolution algorithm that runs in wasm in the browser.
Curious? There is a presentation covering my learnings while working on this, and a deployed site that hosts the various demos that show different points of progress.
write the similarity code
write mutation code
write loop to mutate
try to make mutate faster -- mutate in-place (this worked -- way, way faster)
try to make mutate faster -- see how it changes with many more line segments -- no problem with even as many as 500 segments
add filled triangles
replace line segments with triangles
colors & transparency
implement population selection - mutation, tournament selection
create a pool of mutation candidates and select the best ones at each iteration -> improve the convergence
remove unneeded nalgebra crate?
load an image as a reference rather than random
UI controls to modify mutation rates
npm run start
-- Serve the project locally for development athttp://localhost:8080
. -
npm run build
-- Bundle the project (in production mode).