If you use the codes of this repository, please kindly cite following paper:
title={Convolutional Neural Bandit for Visual-aware Recommendation},
author={Ban, Yikun and He, Jingrui},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.07438},
python 3.8.8
CUDA 11.2
torch 1.9.0
torchvision 0.10.0
sklearn 0.24.1
numpy 1.20.1
scipy 1.6.2
pandas 1.2.4
cnn_ucb.py - Proposed algorithm CNN-UCB
cnn-ts.py - Combine CNN with Thompson Sampling [Wang et al. 2021]
cnn-epsilon.py - CNN with epsilon-greedy exploration strategy
neural-epsilon.py - fully-connected neural network with epsilon-greedy exploration strategy
neuralTS.py - Neural thompson sampling [Zhang et al. 2020]
neuralUCB.py - Neural UCB [Zhou et al. 2020]
kernalUCB.py - Kernal UCB [Valko et al., 2013a]
linUCB.py - LinUCB [Li et al., 2010]
packages.py - all the needed packages
load_data.py - load the datasets
cnn_class.py - the CNN classes
process_yelp.ipynb - extract features from Yelp dataset
"mnist", "notmnist", "cifar10", "yelp"
python "method" --dataset "dataset"
For example, python cnn_ucb.py --dataset cifar10 ; python neuralUCB.py --dataset mnist
To run dataset "notmnist", it is needed to download "imagedat.npy" and "labeldata.npy", and place them in the local folder.
To run dataset "yelp", it is needed to download " yelp_10000items_2000users_features.npy, yelp_2000users_10000items.npy.zip, yelp_2000users_10000items_features.npy" and unzip "yelp_2000users_10000items.npy.zip" and place them in the local folder.