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A simpler (and I mean it) clone of It helps to figure out possible overhead of an NPM package install.

It is composed of a frontend and a backend. Frontend lets the user to enter then name of the package. Backend then does the following below for 3 last versions of the current major version, and the last version of the previous major version.

  • Install the package in a temporary environment
  • Create the bundle of the package using webpack
  • Minify the bundle using uglify-js
  • Gzip the minified bundle using gzip
  • Retrieve file size of the result file

Result is reported on the frontend like shown in the following section.

It is deployed on but please be patient as the backend is on a Docker on a small DigitalOcean droplet. Thanks.


Backend is a Node.js application that uses the built-in http to create a simple web server. Then, mostly using the module execa it carries out the tasks listed above and sends back information to frontend.

Frontend is a React application based on a create-react-app boilerplate. It is designed to have a basic functionality with proper error reporting and visual feedbacks for a moderate user experience.

Result screenshot

Underlying frontend components are as below.

Frontend Components


Further directions/commands are probably too specific to my development environment running on Ubuntu 19.10.


This project has following dependencies.

  • Node.js (Backend)
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • Yarn or NPM (Frontend and Backend)
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update
sudo apt install yarn
  • Gzip (Backend)
sudo apt-get install -y gzip


First of all, the dependencies of both frontend and backend have to be installed.

There is a Gulp task for this.

gulp install

If not it can be done manually as shown below.

pushd backend
yarn install

pushd frontend
yarn install


There is a helper gulp configuration that launches both backend and frontend.

gulp start

If not, they can be run manually as shown below.

First run the backend.

cd backend
node index.js

Then the frontend.

cd frontend
yarn start

There is a Dockerfile to run the backend if that's your taste.

pushd backend
docker build -t dumbbell .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --restart on-failure dumbbell:latest

Do a docker kill dumbbell to terminate it.


There are unit tests for both frontend,

Frontend unittests

and the backend,

Backend unittests

with fair coverage. At the backend I wrote tests only to two files for demonstration purposes.

There is a helper gulp configuration that launches unit tests for both backend and frontend.

gulp test

If not, they can be run manually as shown below.

To run the backend tests.

cd backend
yarn test [--coverage]

Then the frontend. Here we need a large-enough timeout as we wait for DOM elements to appear following events fired.

cd frontend
yarn test --watchAll=false --testTimeout=30000 [--coverage]


For paths of improvement, see Issues.