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After drinking too much coffee, we built a CPU.



There are 16 32-bit registers: R0-13,PC and RX. PC (R14) is the program counter. Writing this register causes a jump in the code. Rx (R15) is an overflow register. It cannot be written directly but will hold a second result value like the remainder of a division or the highest 32 bits of a multiplication.

instruction layout

Instructions are 32 bit wide and consist of these bits:

IB  ( 1bit) select register B or immediate value
RA  ( 4bit) register A
RB  ( 4bit) register B, or 4 MSB's of immediate value when IB=1
IL  (10bit) lowest bits of immediate value
OP  ( 5bit) Opcode selector for ALU/Memory
RC  ( 4bit) register C
WC  ( 3bit) Writeback condition
CMP ( 1bit) Compare result to zero

Sketch of the execute stage: fig

The first ALU input (A-bus) is selected by Ra (Register A). The second ALU input (B-bus) is selected by Rb (Register B), or can be a 14-bit immediate value (Rb|IL) when bit IB (Immediate B) is set. The immediate value is sign extended to 32-bits.

OP selects an ALU or memory operation:

LOAD  (0x01): C <= mem[Ra+BBus]
STORE (0x02): mem[B] = Ra, C <= Ra-1 (store with post-decrement)
AND   (0x03): C <= Ra & B
OR    (0x04): C <= Ra | Rb
XOR   (0x05): C <= Ra ^ Rb
ADD   (0x06): C <= Ra + Rb
ADDC  (0x07): C <= Ra + Rb + carry_bit
SUB   (0x08): C <= Ra - Rb
MUL   (0x09): C <= (Ra*Rb)[31:0], Roverflow = (Ra*Rb)[63:32]
DIV   (0x0A): C = Ra/Rb, Roverflow = Ra%Rb (unsigned)
SDIV  (0x0B): C = Ra/Rb, Roverflow = Ra%Rb (signed)

Writeback of the ALU result (C-bus) to register Rc is conditional based on the WC (Writeback Condition) instruction bits and the result of the last compare (status register):

NEVER  = 0 // don't write back
ALWAYS = 1 // write Cbus back to RC
ZERO   = 2 // write back if last compare was zero
NZ     = 3 // write back if last compare was nonzero
GE     = 4 // write back if last compare was >= 0
LT     = 5 // write back if last compare was < 0

When the CMP (compare) instruction bit is set, the value on the C-bus is compared against 0 and the result is stored in the status register. The status register will then be used by the writeback condition of the following instructions.


There is a 14 bit memory space, addressing 12 bit instruction memory, 12 bit program memory and a memory-mapped peripheral: 0x3FFF : 16-bit register displayed on 7-segment LED display.


Directory CPU/ has a verilog implementation of the CPU, which works on an FPGA (@mathiashelsen). The CPU currently clocks at 100MHz and issues 1 instruction per cycle (2 cycles for LOAD/STORE).


Command ass assembles source files into ihex executables, which can be loaded into the FPGA memory (@barnex)

The instruction syntax closely follows the micro-instruction bit pattern described in package isa:

Op  Ra  Rb|value  Cond  Rc  cmp


Ra    :Register A (1st operand): R0 - R15
Rb    :Register B (2nd operand): R0 - R13
value :Immediate value (2nd operand): 14 bit number
Cond  :Writeback condition: A|N|Z|NZ|GE|LT
cmp   :update status register: +cmp|-cmp


ADD R0 R1 A R2 -cmp

Means R2 = R0 + R1, always executed (A), result not compared to zero

ADD R0 42 A R2 +cmp

Means R2 = R0 + 42, always executed (A), result compared to zero (affects next instruction)

ADD R0 R1 A R2 +cmp

#def can be used to define aliases for readabiltiy, e.g.:

#def counter R0

Means counter will now be substited by R0, and R0 cannot be used anymore.

#label creates a named alias for the current instruction number, used to make jumps readable. E.g.:

#label start
ADD   R0    start   A PC     -cmp // jump to start

godoc documentation:


Command emu emulates ihex execution on a PC (@barnex). It features tracing execution (-trace flag) which prints every executed instruction and the values of the registers it affects.

emu -trace test.ihex

example program

// This test program cycles the hex display
// through all 16-bit values

#def display 0x3FFF
#def Rcount R1

#label _start
XOR   R0     R0       A R0     -cmp
STORE Rcount display  N R0     -cmp
ADD   Rcount 1        A Rcount -cmp
ADD   R0     _start   A PC     -cmp

output of emu -trace:

  XOR   R0(0)   R0(0) A(true)     R0(0) 
STORE   R1(0)   16383 N(false)     R0(0) 
  ADD   R1(0)       1 A(true)     R1(1) 
  ADD   R0(0)       0 A(true)    R14(0) 
  XOR   R0(0)   R0(0) A(true)     R0(0) 
STORE   R1(1)   16383 N(false)     R0(0) 
  ADD   R1(1)       1 A(true)     R1(2) 
  ADD   R0(0)       0 A(true)    R14(0) 
  XOR   R0(0)   R0(0) A(true)     R0(0) 
STORE   R1(2)   16383 N(false)     R0(0) 
  ADD   R1(2)       1 A(true)     R1(3) 
  ADD   R0(0)       0 A(true)    R14(0) 
  XOR   R0(0)   R0(0) A(true)     R0(0) 

Watch this program running on FPGA: (downclocked to 1Hz for clarity).

Project euler

We solved the first two problems of on our CPU. E.g.: problem 2: Find the sum of even-valued Fibonacci numbers not exceeding four million:

#def display 0x3FFF

// initialize successive terms v1, v2 to 1, 2
#def v1 R1
#def v2 R2
ADD R0 1 A v1
ADD R0 2 A v2

// load 4000000 into max
#def max R3
ADD R0  4000 A max
MUL max 1000 A max

#def sum R4
#def v3 R5

#label start
AND v1  1  N R0 +cmp  // test for even
ADD sum v1 Z sum      // add to sum if even

ADD v1 v2 A v3        // advance to next term
ADD R0 v2 A v1
ADD R0 v3 A v2

SUB max v1    N  R0 +cmp  // loop as long as term < max
ADD R0  start GE PC

STORE sum display N R0   // display result


After drinking too much coffee, we built a CPU.






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