This is a blog application built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, and Postgres. The application leverages Server Components, Server Actions, and Suspense features. Authentication, login, and registration are managed through Kinde.
- CRUD Operations: Create, read, update, and delete blogs.
- Featured Blogs: Highlight and showcase featured blog posts.
- Blog Photo Upload: Upload images to accompany your blog posts.
- Edit & Delete: Modify or remove your own blog posts.
- One-to-Many Relations: Manage complex data relationships with Prisma.
- Undo Deletion: Undo a blog post deletion within 5 seconds.
- Commenting: Add comments to blog posts.
- Authentication: User authentication, login, and registration via Kinde.
- Implemented Server Components and Server Actions for efficient data handling.
- Used Suspense for better UI/UX with asynchronous operations.
Tailwind CSS:
- Styled the application with a utility-first approach for responsive design.
- Managed database operations and enforced one-to-many relations.
- Utilized as the relational database to store blog posts, comments, and user data.
- Handled authentication, login, and registration processes.
Check out the live application here: My Blog