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Tinted Shell

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A shell script to change your shell's default ANSI colors. This includes 256 color support if your terminal supports it. This script makes it possible to honor the original bright colors of your shell. The ANSI colors are mapped correctly. (e.g. green is still green). Tinted Shell also provides additional colors to applications such as Vim and tmux.

Have a look at our [Base16 Gallery] to see the various themes supported by Tinted Shell. For more information about Base16 or Base24, have a look at the Tinted Theming Home repository.

Shell image

Note: tinted-shell currently has 2 functions:

  1. It contains shell script themes in scripts/*.sh which one can use to set their shell color theme.
  2. There is a "profile_helper" which is used to manage the settings of themes throughout the system. This manager can be hooked up to all other tinted templates and changing a theme in tinted-shell will change all themes throughout the system.

If you are using tinted-shell for point number 2, we suggest using Tinty as your theme manager instead, which uses tinted-shell scripts/*.sh themesunder the hood by default. More information under Theme Managers.

Use Cases for using a script to theme your shell

  • Portability Across Different Terminal Emulators and SSH sessions.
  • Integration with shell prompts and CLI tools.
  • Compatibility with Text-Based Applications and Scripts.


Clone the repo locally and execute the script with your posix compliant shell (sh, bash, zsh, etc).

cd path/to/cloned/repo/tinted-shell
sh ./scripts/

Theme managers

This repository has a profile_helper shell script which it has used to "manage" theme switching for a long time. It's evolved to include "hook" scripts which allow users to change other base16 template themes when a theme is set.

It has grown a lot and we decided to build a more robust theming manager tool, written in Rust, called Tinty. At first we were unsure whether it was going to be part of this repository or not, but since it wasn't directory related to tinted-shell (much like profile_helper isn't very related) we decided to move it to its own repository.

With Tinty you can switch your shell theme, or any other base16, base24 or Tinted Theming theme, by running a single command, eg: tinty apply base16-mocha. Read more about it on the Tinty repository.

While we aren't removing the profile_helper, it isn't going to be actively grown anymore since that effort is going into Tinty. But, you can use the Profile Helper shell script. You can read more about it in


There are times when templates don't exist for command line applications, or perhaps you just want to play around with colors yourself. You can access these colors by having them set as environment variables.


Add export TINTED_SHELL_ENABLE_BASE16_VARS=1 to your .*rc file and make sure the variable is set before running the theme script to enable this feature.

This feature enables env vars BASE16_COLOR_01_HEX to BASE16_COLOR_0F_HEX. Have a look at the [Base16 Styling Guidelines] for more styling information.


Add export TINTED_SHELL_ENABLE_BASE24_VARS=1 to your .*rc file and make sure the variable is set before running the theme script to enable this feature.

This feature enables env vars BASE24_COLOR_01_HEX to BASE24_COLOR_0F_HEX. Have a look at the [Base24 Styling Guidelines] for more styling information.

This feature enables env vars BASE16_COLOR_01_HEX to BASE16_COLOR_0F_HEX.


Run the included colortest script and check that your colour assignments appear correct. If your teminal does not support the setting of colours in within the 256 colorspace (e.g. Apple Terminal), colours 17 to 21 will appear blue.

setting 256 colourspace not supported

If colortest is run without any arguments e.g. ./colortest the hex values shown will correspond to the currently set theme. If you'd like to see the hex values for a particular scheme pass the file name of the theme name as the arguement e.g. ./colortest base16-mocha.


See, which contains building and contributing instructions.