A combo writing app for fighting games. Made with MERN.
A list of the stuff that's being used in the app.
- bcrypt (^3.0.6)
- body-parser (^1.19.0)
- concurrently (^5.0.0)
- cors (^2.8.5)
- dotenv (^8.1.0)
- express (^4.17.0)
- jsonwebtoken (^8.5.1)
- mongoose (^5.5.1)
- @blueprintjs/core (^3.15.1)
- @blueprintjs/docs-theme (^3.2.0)
- axios (^0.19.0)
- node-sass (^4.12.0)
- postcss-loader (^3.0.0)
- react (^16.8.6)
- react-dom (^16.8.6)
- react-router-dom (^5.0.1)
- react-scripts (3.0.1)
npm run dev
npm run server
npm run client
npm run build:client
- DragonBallFighterZ Wiki
- Dustloop
- LowD (helped out with assorting assets)
- Kori (helped out with assorting assets)