Collection of MuonPOG related tools
cmsrel CMSSW_7_6_3 # Just an example release, works in CMSSW >= 74X at present
cd CMSSW_7_6_3/src/
git clone
scramv1 b -j 5
A duper, printing event information relevant for muons is available in : MuonPOG/Tools/plugins/
It prints HLT, GEN level, beam spot, vertex and muon information. It works both in AOD and miniAOD.
To dump information from a given event :
cd MuonPOG/Tools/test/
cmsRun # modify files according to your needs
The interface of muon Ntuples is defined in : MuonPOG/Tools/src/MuonPogTree.h
The code filling ntuples is available in : MuonPOG/Tools/plugins/
It fills HLT, GEN level, beam spot, vertex and muon information. It works both in AOD and miniAOD (NOTE: trigger information not filled when running in miniAOD).
To create some ntuples :
cd MuonPOG/Tools/test/
python --print # this will give you the default input parameters of the filler.
# As the ntuple cfg is based on VarParsing you can customise the
# ntuple production via command line [1] or in a crab cfg [2]
cmsRun globalTag=80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v5 \\
[2] (find pyCfgParams)
The ntuple producer gets loaded by :
from MuonPOG.Tools.MuonPogNtuples_cff import appendMuonPogNtuple
Where arguments are :
- The CMS configuration process
- A bool to say whether you are running on MC
- The label of the process giving HLT results
- The name of the output ntuple
The presently committed list of macros are:
Macro | Description |
MuonPOG/Tools/invariant_mass/ | makes dimuon invariant mas plots for different resonances |
MuonPOG/Tools/variables_comparison/ | performs a cut'n'count tnp study of commissioning and isolation variables, muon IDs and muon scale and resolution using muons from Z |
Both macros use ini configuration files to allow freedom to chose parameters at run time, the are stored under the config/ directory of each macro package.
The syntax to run the macros is:
cd MuonPOG/Tools/invariant_mass/