QuizMD is a library for writing quizzes with markdown.
Draw a circle
circle: r="3" cx="50" cy="50"
Draw an ellipse
ellipse: rx="5" ry="10" cx="50" cy="50"
Draw a polygon
polygon: points="0,0 60,0 60,90 20,90 20,50 0,50" x="100" y="100" fill="yellow" stroke-width="1" stoke="blue" nodes="A,B,C,D,E,F" lengths="6,9,4,4,2,5"
Draw a polyline
polyline: points="0,0 60,0 60,90 20,90 20,50 0,50" x="100" y="100" fill="yellow" stroke-width="1" stoke="blue" nodes="A,B,C,D,E,F" lengths="6,9,4,4,2"
Draw a rectangle
rect: width="100" height="50" x="0" y="0"
Draw a rhombus
rhombus: p="5" q="10" cx="50" cy="50"
Draw a square
square: side="100" x="50" y="50"
Draw Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
svg: width="30" height="40" viewBox="0 0 100 100"
Create an alternative
alternative:- alternative content
Create a solution alternative
solution:- solution content
Create a multiple-choice question
mchoice :- Question content
alternative:- text
solution:- text
Create a problem with a few multiple-choice questions
mmchoice :- Overall problem statement
mchoice :- Question statement<br>
alternative:- text
solution:- text